Looking back now I didn't know what it was supposed to be And, and it's like raising' kids, man If you weren't raised, you don't know how to raise, you know? I just did the best thing I could with them because They know fucking well I love them But I didn't do the best I could I didn't know what the fuck I was doing I didn't
I will never forget watching my mother get put in a straight jacket And taken out of my home when I was only seven years old She was diagnosed with dementia praecox and put in a mental institution Leaving my daddy alone with me and my little brother Lloyd
I later had an evil stepmother Who further cemented the idea that I didn't need a mother Growing up without one Had long lasting impressions I didn't fully understand until much later in life
It bled into my relationships with family And those I had become romantically involved with Whenever I got too close to a woman I would cut her off Part of that was vindictive and partially based on fear But it was also totally subconscious Looking back is a bitch, innit?